Thursday, February 08, 2007

real food coming soon

So, there has only been cafeteria food as of yet...well, boarding school food for me so far. But last week, my small group went out for coffee and I had a scone too! The coffee was cold-ish and wayyyy too sweet and the scone came dry without any cream or jam or butter. So sad hor. Even the tea at the White Room in Glasgow sounds appealing now. How I regret taking all the coffee shops in Melbourne for granted.

Never fear though. I'll be going down to London tomorrow. First up is AL's birthday dinner at some fancy schamcy pub on Friday night. Then, on Saturday, I hope to visit the list of food shops Aunty SY gave me. Fingers crossed...hehee..and lets hope I have enough cash :)

I couldn't decide how to arrange the pictures on this post, so they are kinda random. The first is my roommate's cream bun. It was...bad.


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