Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I had a sudden "reality bites" moment last week when I realised the weekend past was my last weekend at TKL. This weekend doesn't count cause Mummy will be here on Saturday and I leave early early Sunday morning. So, Ju and I determined that we WILL bake something and we chose Cream Puffs Baked Crepe Pudding


Ours didn't look quite like her picture and we had too much filling so had to make some extra crepes. They were somewhat inferior because we skipped on the extra egg yolk. Also, I personally would have liked to have more custard...but that's only because I like custard.

It was good though. There was only both of us eating that night so we kept the leftovers for breakfast the next day where.....

...we had breakfast (yes, I know I'm stating the obvious) provided by mua. It comprised of hot chocolate, oats porridge and leftover pudding (but of course). I even made extra custard for the pudding. Note that it can be a little too rich for some people first thing in the morning. Breakfast was only a distraction though. The main point of the morning was a colouring party!!!

The Stuckey girls have been wanting to spend time with me but I have been very busy of late. Again, realising that I only have one weekend left, I told them that if we can meet at 8.30am on a Saturday morning we can colour. Ju's sisters also came along. I forgot how fun it can be to colour. I still keep within the lines though...no out of character creativity there. Heh..

Countdown as of Tuesday, 20/3/07: 4 days....


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