Saturday, February 24, 2007

saturday coffee dates

Today my friends and I finally managed to follow through a 'date' we've been planning for a few weeks now. We needed to get away from the base and from everyone and we needed good coffee. It was initially only Elisha and I but then Rob wanted to go to the Christian bookstore and then Chris as well. So, the 4 of us trooped to town with MJ in tow (MJ just wanted the company to walk into town with)

Elisha, Rob (PEB 2), MJ and Chris (PEB 1). PEB stands for Proper English Boy. They really are very very proper. So yau ying right the picture. Oh, and Elisha's from Alabama, USA.

This is my long awaited Skinny Mocha from Muffin Break. I can't believe that that's almost the best option I have.....arrgghhh...for my Melbourne cafes.

The other DTS-ers that were out and about town. Kelda from Switzerland, Jenny from England, Elisha, me and Emily from England.

And this is Elisha and I walking home. I got the boys to carry my shopping bags. *grin*

p.s. It was actually raining earlier in the morning while I was doing my QT. So, I prayed and asked God to stop the rain. I said, I don't even want to bring an umbrella. I said please. A lot. AND HE STOPPED THE RAIN!! So nice horrr...God, the great weatherman. hahahhaa


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