Thursday, February 15, 2007

pussycat, pussycat where have you been?

I've been to London to see the queen..

Technically, this chocolate wasn't from London and I didn't even eat it there. This was the french chocolate SN gave me in Glasgow. I have actually been taking photos of it after every bite. Kinda like a photo journal :) It is VERY VERY nice...

This is Big Ben. Note that I got the time at exactly noon. Penny made me take photos of Big Ben from about 4 angles and at 4 different times. She actually wanted me to take a lot more photos but I got bored of Big Ben.

We found a quiet street and I wanted to do Singing In The Rain. I was falling off when Penny took this.

oooooo....and this is part of the display window of Paul's. It's a patisserie between Oxford Circus tube and All Souls church. It's YUMMMYYYY!!! I only had a macaroon from there cause it is also very expensive. I wanted to try the brioche there but I was too full :( Oh well, next time.


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