Monday, April 30, 2007

banana cake

I should be doing work now..but I'm distracted.

My mind keeps going to the 2 bananas sitting on the table. Just resting. Enjoying their time on the table.




Ok. I have choices choices choices.

First up,
1. David Lebovitz's banana cake.
I've never tried his recipes but word on the street is that its gooodd. He also has a roasted banana ice cream recipe. mmm..
2. Cleotide's flambe banana and caramelized pecans
I usually make this..It's good. ;) But I'm wondering whether I should try something different.
3. Il Forno's Jamaican Banana Bread
Ok. I am randomly picking blogs from Cream Puff's links..and MOST people have banana bread. But I don't want ordinary banana bread, or banana bread with some chocolate chips tossed, I want something interesting and different.. least I hope it will be interesting and different. :)

If you can find another recipe that you think looks yummy, pass me the link too. :D
(I'm not sure who "you" refers to..since I think only 5 people read this blog. hehe)

Anyway, ok. I guess I have to try to do some work before night turns into morning..


Friday, April 27, 2007

A quick update

So, it's been baking baking baking nooooooooooon stop!
anyway, here's a picture of scones that I made. the next day I made sourdough bread. Yesterday I made sponge cake and this morning I made cookies! :D
Ok. why this cooking frenzy you might ask? well, hsu - it's really to make you jealous. lol

I don't know. Well, scones because I always wanted to try this recipe.
Bread so that we can finish the kaya mommy brought from Scotland
Sponge cake for supper
and Cookies...well, because a certain someone is getting some in the post. hm... ;)
(hsu - don't get excited. it's not you...I'M NOT SENDING THEM TO AUSTRALIA! they won't last)

Anyway, I left school early today to go for lunch with mommy and then we had coffee. And it's now 3.30pm. I have to do work, but my brain is not functioning :S
While we were at the coffee shop, mommy took out a book to read and after 5 minutes of staring into the air, I took out a piece of paper and a pen.
She looked up quizzically.
I smiled and proudly said: my brain.

yes. this paper represents all that is in my brain today.

Very deep thoughts. Great insights. I'm ready to save the world.
Poverty. Wars. Famine. ..JUST watch out.
One smiley face to rule them all...
MUAHAHAHHA! *evil laughter*

Angelina Jolie - I'm coming to join your side. Yes, I am prepared to be...TOMB RAIDER.
And of course, let's not peace ^^ ala Miss Congeniality

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Market day..again

Ok. Sorry for the short detour. :D
I'm back again with market day.
Last saturday, mommy and I went to St. Jacobs. I drove...O_o *yay*. :P
For the uninformed, I love cars. I love sitting in cars. I love driving cars. hehe.

Anyway, we spent the day there..not much to tell, so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Market day...

BUT first...
this one I call,
Bunny's buns
heehee. i crack myself up. :D

So I've been meaning to make hot cross buns but never got around it.
Tozer says that everyday is Easter - so it's never too late! :)
Thank God for His Son.

I like this recipe. I too have tried several but was never satisfied.
This is nice. Even after a couple of days, the bun is still soft and tasty. The spices add the oomph!


Hi hi.
So, I made pizza for mommy...after boasting that my pizza is pretty good. hehe.
I think I've posted about pizza before. Anyway, it's a very wet dough which is supposed to be baked under a very high temperature (800 F). Mine was baked under 500F. :)
I'm not about to put foil lah, this lah, that lah to increase the temperature and have my oven go kaboom. Kudos to Jeff tho. :)

So we made margarita.
I used canned San Marzino tomatoes from Italy :) - drained, unseeded, squeeshed (because I don't have a blender) and rinsed and strained. Then I lightly cooked the tomatoes with some red wine, oregano, and a dash of parmesan. Ok..mommy did the tomatoes. I made the sauce. heheh. *yay mommy*

Anyway, we used mozzarella cheese. and topped the pizza with more oregan and voila! We sprinkled more parmesan on it after it came out of the oven. :D

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It's coming soon.


You talkin to me???

The conspiracy..

A company.
In unity.
In harmony.
Making money.

*snap* *snap* ( :P )

A leader.
Now dissent.

Now discord.

*snap* *snap*

bunniesssss...are popping like daisiesssss


Talking, sharing, learning, chilling
All in a row. Linear. Straight. In their own little world. Oblivious to

A night out with mommy

Mommy and I went to Blackhole bistro for dinner and jazz. The Joe Sealy Trio was playing. He was pretty good - he wasn't afraid to try new pieces or do different things. Joe played a couple of his own compositions too. :)

So here I am - trying to be a cute Korean rather than a Chinese gangsta! :P

I think you are going to get more pictures than words.

Anyway, so our dinner reservation was for 6.30 and at 6pm we started off to the PI.
Dinner was good. IFor starters we had :

When the mains came, we finished our meals before realizing that we had no pictures! hehe. had lamb shank and mommy had fish. So we took pictures of the lamb bone.

haha! :P

And for dessert - it was really interesting. So interesting that I can't remember what it was. ahhaha. It's ok. just know that it was good. A little sweet for mommy's liking, but still very good.
And finally...
A satisfied mommy! :D

Monday, April 09, 2007

On saturday...

... We went to the market.
See how creative my titles are. I'm sure I'm breaking all the laws of creative writing ..haha. yeah. the one law - try to be creative.
and here i am..NOT being creative.
whatever laaahhh. My brain is SO tired from data analyses that the only thing it can really do right now is go "bluek" "bluek" "bluek". :S

Ok. So we went to the Farmer's market in Kitchener. We took a bus down. We had lunch at my favourite place, Korean BBQ (SO GOOD! here's a picture of mommy intently reading the menu...and our empty bowls. whahaha. sorry che: forgot to take pictures of the food. only remembered when we finished eating. :P) and then we stopped by the Asian grocery store.

And then my mother goes : eh. let's walk back"
I go "oh..back to waterloo"
my mother: "yeah"
me: "oh..ok"
my mother: "yeah. this way I can see kitchener"
me: "okaaayy".

so we walked..for 10 minutes, stopped at a 2nd hand bookstore, browsed a little and bought 2 books. Then we continued our journey. We walked for 15 minutes, stopped at the korean-japanese grocery store, browsed a little. Then..
mommy: "are we there yet"
me: "NO LAH! it's about 30-45 minutes away"
mommy: "oh. let's take the bus then"
me: O_o...
mommy: "yeah. then we can stop for coffee too. I'm tired"
me: "yes ma"
So we went to the Aroma Cafe in uptown.
Here is her hot with chocolate shavings.
This is my happy mother!

And this is a happy me!


and then..

Aiyoh..see how cold she is?!! and she wants to eat ice cream. :P

Anyway, Kristin, mommy and I went for dinner at sole.
It was quite nice.

Mommy and I took a walk to the supermarket first and bought more strawberries..heehee!

Then she bought a chicken..and made chicken rice the next day!


Alright. sole is about 15 minutes away from my place - in uptown waterloo which is really not an "uptown" place at all. but anyway, uptown waterloo..mommy is not too pleased with it. haha. she thinks it's kinda boring.
and she's right. she was looking for 2nd hand bookstores (ma..we aren't in montreal anymore..sounds like "aunty em..aunty em...toto - we aren't in kansas no more" hehe)

So Kristin came a little late..

Mommy decided to go with minestrone soup and P.E.I mussels I went for portobello mushrooms on halibut, with root vegetables on the side. Quite nice! the fish was fresh and good.

We saw a friend of mine, D with her bf.
She left with her fiance!

and because it's been 20 days...

i've got lots to post. :D

mommy luuurrrvveesss the ice cream here!!! so we've been having ice cream practically every day ok?? wah liaaoo..i feel so fat already. :P

Anyway, everyday I go to school. One day, I messaged mommy and she tells me that she went for a walk and bought ice cream.
I said O_O it's sooo cold! she said yarp!
I said but ma, there's ice cream ("drumsticks") in the freezer. she said oh yeah. I didn't know.
haha. so we had delicious ice cream for dessert. fresh strawberries served french vanilla ice cream topped with melted chocolate and roasted almonds.


banzai! mommy is here! :D
Thank God. She's been such a blessing. :)

It's only been 20 days...

Since I last blogged.
Lol. Sorry. So much has been happening, and then I slacked off..but I'm back.
As you know, mommy is here, cheche is in South Africa, koko and papa are in Malaysia. We are the glocal (global culture) family. hehe.

Anyway, here are some pictures from cheche

please take good care of sabrina~!!!!!!
love you!