Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mummy asked for updates

Mummy really did ask for updates and SN thought I should be the one to oblige as I had 2 days off. Did I mention she's in Scotland having a HOLIDAY??!! Well, family dysfunctionalities aside, I really haven't done much or rather I haven't recorded much of it on my camera.

So, today, we will review yet another park- Fitzroy Park. It is an unremarkable park I'm sorry to say. It's not very big (not its fault), not enough flowers (definite room for improvement here) and the fountain had no water (drought, again, not it's fault). Other than that, there are nice trees there and it brought me to a part of the city I've never been before...

The view of the city from the park

Giraffe swings!!! Cute huh...

And all my way back into the CBD, I came across a few churches:

A German church!!! It reminded me of Raphael. I think even the services are in German...sorry, that's kinda obvious huh

This is a really big, old church. Reminds me of the ones Penny and I saw in London. I have no idea what it's called though...I couldn't find a name or entrance anywhere.

Lest you think that I have just been hanging around in parks and neglecting my culinary adventures, let me assure you that that is not the case. On the contrary, my cheeks are filling out rapidly-CHUBBY!!!! Maybe I'll wait till Christmas is over to post picture of myself. No, make that after after losing weight after Christmas ;)


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